#MQW gain structure is taken from J. Piprek et al., Self-Consistent Analysis of High-Temperature Effects #on Strained-Layer Multiquantum-Well InGaAsP-InP Lasers, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 36, no. 3, March 2000. clear; mqw_num_wells = 6; #total number of quantum wells in a MQW structure uncoupled_wells = true; #consider multiple wells uncoupled. #Since wells have equal geometry without external potential #it is enough to simply solve one quantum well, which reduces #the size of simulation domain several times. ############################# # layer configuration & strain ############################# if(uncoupled_wells){ n_wells = 1; #solve only for one well since wells are independent and equal in geometry } else{ n_wells = mqw_num_wells; } x_well = 0.24; y_well = 0.79; x_barrier = 0.29; y_barrier = 0.55; n_layers = 2*n_wells + 1; t_layers = matrix(n_layers,1); t_layers(1) = 10e-9; t_layers(end) = 10e-9; si_layers = t_layers; # strain si_layers(1) = 0.0004; si_layers(end) = 0.0004; qwLength = 0; totalLength = t_layers(1)+t_layers(end); for (j = 2:n_layers-1) { if (mod(j,2) == 0) { # even: well t_layers(j) = 6.4e-9; si_layers(j) = -0.01; qwLength = qwLength + t_layers(j); } else { # odd: barrier t_layers(j) = 5.5e-9; si_layers(j) = 0.0004; } totalLength = totalLength + t_layers(j); } mqwLength = 0; #total QW length for actual MQW, if uncoupled_wells = false it is equal to qwLength mqwTotalLength = t_layers(1) + t_layers(end); #total length for actual MQW, if uncoupled_wells = false it is equal to totalLength mqw_n_layers = 2*mqw_num_wells + 1; for (j = 2:mqw_n_layers-1) { if (mod(j,2) == 0) { # even: well mqwTotalLength = mqwTotalLength + 6.4e-9; mqwLength = mqwLength + 6.4e-9; } else { # odd: barrier mqwTotalLength = mqwTotalLength + 5.5e-9; } } lambdamin = 1.45e-6; lambdamax = 1.62e-6; ###################### # Stack properties, except material properties that depend on temperature and charge density ###################### stackProperties = struct; stackProperties.neff = [ c/lambdamax, 3.1; c/lambdamin, 3.1]; stackProperties.gamma = 2*h/2/pi/1e-13/e; #intraband relaxation tau = 0.1 ps stackProperties.length = t_layers; stackProperties.strain = si_layers; ######################### # Simulation parameters, except temperature and charge density and material dependent params (like kt) ######################### simParameters = struct; simParameters.V = [0, 0; sum(stackProperties.length), 0]; simParameters.phfreq = flip(c/linspace(lambdamin,lambdamax,21),1); ####################### # Simulation config ####################### bc = struct; bc.pmlactive = true; #bc.hwcutoff = [5.e-4,5e-4]; bc.pmlcutoff = [1e-3,1e-3]; #bc.pmllength = [10e-9,10e-9]; #bc.pmlcoefficient = [0.5+1i*0.5,0.5+1i*0.5,-1+1i*1.4,-1+1i*1.4]; simcfg = struct; simcfg.bcs = bc; simcfg.dz = 2e-10; #simcfg.numeigenvalues = 30; simcfg.materialdb = struct; ####################################### #Sweep parameters and loop over them ####################################### default_mat_db = struct; temperatureVec = [293,333,373]; sqw_to_mqw_conversion = 1; if(uncoupled_wells){ sqw_to_mqw_conversion = totalLength/mqwTotalLength*mqw_num_wells; #transform SQW average density to MQW average density and same for gain } cdenVec = 2e24*mqwLength/mqwTotalLength; #m^{-3}; if we wanted around 2e24 QW density, that corresponds to this much average density over the entire MQW thickness (including barriers) emission = cell(length(temperatureVec)*length(cdenVec)); for(temperatureInd = 1:length(temperatureVec)){ for(cdenInd = 1:length(cdenVec)){ T_sim = temperatureVec(temperatureInd); cden_sim = cdenVec(cdenInd)/sqw_to_mqw_conversion; #cdenVec is the average density for the full MQW, cden_sim is for the SQW if uncoupled_wells = true ############################### # Temperature and charge dependent material properties ############################### layer_material = cell(n_layers); #For default database calculate these at 300K and apply bandgap temperature gradient from Piprek 2000. InGaAsP_well = buildmqwmaterial(default_mat_db, 300, "InGaAsP",1-x_well,y_well,"Gamma"); InGaAsP_barrier = buildmqwmaterial(default_mat_db, 300, "InGaAsP",1-x_barrier,y_barrier,"Gamma"); #Override bandgap with custom formula from Chuang, Physics of Photonic Devices InGaAsP_well.eg = 1.35+0.668*x_well-1.068*y_well+0.758*x_well^2+0.078*y_well^2-0.069*x_well*y_well-0.322*x_well^2*y_well+0.03*x_well*y_well^2; InGaAsP_barrier.eg = 1.35+0.668*x_barrier-1.068*y_barrier+0.758*x_barrier^2+0.078*y_barrier^2-0.069*x_barrier*y_barrier-0.322*x_barrier^2*y_barrier+0.03*x_barrier*y_barrier^2; #Include bandgap temperature gradient InGaAsP_well.eg = InGaAsP_well.eg - 0.28e-3*(T_sim-300); InGaAsP_barrier.eg = InGaAsP_barrier.eg - 0.28e-3*(T_sim-300); #Override deformation potentials from Chuang 1991 a_GaAs = -9.77; a_InAs = -6; a_GaP = -8.83; a_InP = -6.31; a_GaInAsP_well = a_GaAs*x_well*y_well + a_InP*(1-x_well)*(1-y_well) + a_InAs*(1-x_well)*y_well + a_GaP*x_well*(1-y_well); a_GaInAsP_barrier = a_GaAs*x_barrier*y_barrier + a_InP*(1-x_barrier)*(1-y_barrier) + a_InAs*(1-x_barrier)*y_barrier + a_GaP*x_barrier*(1-y_barrier); InGaAsP_well.av = -a_GaInAsP_well/3; InGaAsP_well.ac = a_GaInAsP_well/3; InGaAsP_barrier.av = -a_GaInAsP_barrier*2/3; InGaAsP_barrier.ac = a_GaInAsP_barrier*2/3; #Band gap shrinkage due to carrier-carrier interaction (consider all density is inside QW and none in the barriers). dEg = -1e-10*(cden_sim*totalLength/qwLength)^(1/3); #QW density is larger than average density InGaAsP_well.eg = InGaAsP_well.eg + dEg; #Cell for material properties for (j = 1:length(layer_material)) { layer_material{j} = struct; if (mod(j,2) == 0) { # even: well layer_material{j} = InGaAsP_well; } else { # odd: barrier layer_material{j} = InGaAsP_barrier; } } ?" well barrier"; ?"Band gap "+num2str(InGaAsP_well.eg)+", "+num2str(InGaAsP_barrier.eg); ?"me "+num2str(InGaAsP_well.me)+", "+num2str(InGaAsP_barrier.me); stackProperties.material = layer_material; # Override band offsets using the ratio of dEc/dEv = 0.4/0.6 for band offsets from Piprek 2000 dEg = InGaAsP_barrier.eg - InGaAsP_well.eg; dEv = 0.6*dEg; vb_off = matrix(n_layers,1); vb_off(1:2:end) = -dEv; stackProperties.vb = struct; stackProperties.vb.method = "direct"; stackProperties.vb.offsets = vb_off; ######################### # Temperature and charge dependent simulation parameters ######################### simParameters.T = T_sim; simParameters.cden = cden_sim; minLCStrained = stackProperties.material{1}.lc*(1.+si_layers(1)); for(i=1:n_layers){ minLCStrained = min([minLCStrained,stackProperties.material{i}.lc*(1.+si_layers(i))]); } simParameters.kt = linspace(0,2*pi/minLCStrained*0.2,101); ################################################################# ##################### Call mqw solver ########################### ################################################################# out = mqwgain(stackProperties,simParameters,simcfg); #################################################################################### ##################### Find true band gap from band structure (includes quantum confinement effect) #################################################################################### Ek = out.bandstructure; nCBsubbands = size(Ek.conduction_band,2); nVBUsubbands = size(Ek.valence_band_up,2); nVBLsubbands = size(Ek.valence_band_lo,2); minEc = min(Ek.conduction_band(:,1)); maxEv = max(Ek.valence_band_up(:,1)); for (j = 1:nCBsubbands) { if (finite(Ek.conduction_band(1,j))) { minEc = min([minEc; max(Ek.conduction_band(:,j))]); } } for (j = 1:nVBUsubbands) { if (finite(Ek.valence_band_up(1,j))) { maxEv = max([maxEv; max(Ek.valence_band_up(:,j))]); } } for (j = 1:nVBLsubbands) { if (finite(Ek.valence_band_lo(1,j))) { maxEv = max([maxEv; max(Ek.valence_band_lo(:,j))]); } } if (0) { holdoff; } Egk0 = minEc - maxEv; Egk0_lambda = h*c/Egk0/e; ?"Bandgap from E(k=0): "+num2str(Egk0)+" eV ("+num2str(Egk0_lambda*1e6)+" um)."; #Dividing gain below by mqwLength/mqwTotalLength factor gives gain with respect to the total QW thickness. #To get gain with respect to the total thickness, including barriers, simply do not divide by that factor. emission{cdenInd + (temperatureInd-1)*length(cdenVec)} = struct; emission{cdenInd + (temperatureInd-1)*length(cdenVec)}.wavelength = out.emission.wavelength; emission{cdenInd + (temperatureInd-1)*length(cdenVec)}.stimulated_TE = out.emission.stimulated_TE*sqw_to_mqw_conversion/(mqwLength/mqwTotalLength); emission{cdenInd + (temperatureInd-1)*length(cdenVec)}.stimulated_TM = out.emission.stimulated_TM*sqw_to_mqw_conversion/(mqwLength/mqwTotalLength); emission{cdenInd + (temperatureInd-1)*length(cdenVec)}.spontaneous_TE = out.emission.spontaneous_TE*sqw_to_mqw_conversion/(mqwLength/mqwTotalLength); emission{cdenInd + (temperatureInd-1)*length(cdenVec)}.spontaneous_TM = out.emission.spontaneous_TM*sqw_to_mqw_conversion/(mqwLength/mqwTotalLength); } } #Plot simulated gain for(temperatureInd = 1:length(temperatureVec)){ for(cdenInd = 1:length(cdenVec)){ plot(emission{cdenInd + (temperatureInd-1)*length(cdenVec)}.wavelength*1e6, emission{cdenInd + (temperatureInd-1)*length(cdenVec)}.stimulated_TE/100,"","","","linewidth=2"); # to 1/cm holdon; } } legend("T=293K","T=333K","T=373K"); holdoff;